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Dynamic Response of Photopolymer Resins Cores for Naval Applications in Extreme Environments



Due to the melting of polar ice caps, large deposits of natural resources are becoming more readily available, leading to an increase in arctic naval exploration. Naval vessels and ship hulls must be built with lightweight structures, such as sandwich composites, to increase the ship’s fuel efficiency. However, identifying new material choices that can withstand the harsh Arctic environments is crucial for the survivability and safety of personnel and structures. This study investigates the potential of photopolymer resins through additive manufacturing as a lightweight sandwich composite core material. The thermo-mechanical properties of this resin were evaluated using: tensile, flexural, and compressive tests according to the ASTM Standards D638, D695, and D790, respectively. Tests were conducted at room temperature (23 C) and arctic temperature (-60 C). The experimental data will be used as an input for high-fidelity finite element (FE) simulations with the software ABAQUS. From the performed tests, the photopolymer exhibited isotropic behavior at both room (RT) and Arctic temperatures. Preliminary quasi-static results for “Durable Resin†at AT showed an increase of ~300% in its tensile, flexural, and compressive modulus and an increase of ~300% in its tensile and flexural strength and ~100% in its compressive strength when compared to the same resin at RT. The finite element analysis models showed good agreement with the experimental results. Zackery Nieto, The University of Texas at El Paso, 500 W. University Ave, El Paso,


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