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Experimental Study on the Cooling Effect around Large Vessels While Tissue Heating by Using U-tube Phantom

L.Z. MU, Y. HE, Y. PENG, C.F. LI


Heat transfer in living biological tissues is a very complex phenomenon. The ultrasonic tissue phantom has the similar ultrasonic characteristics with the living soft tissue, and it can be used to simulate the living tissue in vitro. The aim of the paper is to investigate the cooling effect of blood flow and vascular structures on living tissue heating by perfusion phantom experiments. The phantom was immersed in water bath and heated in order to simulate the environment of hyperthermia. Meanwhile, the thermocouples were employed to measure temperatures of interest locations. Finally the experimental results were visualized by AVS (Advanced Visual System) software. The results showed that the water flow and vascular structures had a significant effect on the heat transfer in the phantom. It is expected that the work may be helpful in designing hyperthermia protocol of tumor treatment.


bioheat transfer; ultrasonic tissue phantom; complex vascular structures; hyperthermia therapy; in-vitroText

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