Numerical Simulation of Progressive Failure in Transversely Isotropic Geomaterials
The mechanical behaviors, especially, strength of geomaterials such soils and rocks are significantly related to their inherent microstructures, which are of anisotropy or transversely isotropy, therefore, the behaviors of geomaterials should be described by anisotropic or transversely isotropic constitutive relation. In this study, a modified Drucker-Prager yield criterion for transversely isotropic materials is developed, and the corresponding consistent return mapping algorithm is formulated. The transversely isotropic yield function and isotropic yield function are, respectively, adopted in the numerical examples for investigating the different of the pattern of strain localization of panel. Numerical results illustrate the validation and performance of the present model in modeling progressive failure in geomaterials, and show that the influence of yield criterion on pattern of strain localization is important.
transversely isotropy; yield function; strain localization; progressive failure; geomaterialsText