Dynamic and Nonlinear Behaviour of Deformation and Fracture of Quasicrystalline Materials
It is well-known that there are two displacement fields in the quasicrystals, one is the conventional displacement field named phonon field according to the terminological words of physics, the other is the phason field, the unusual displacement field. This leads two strain tensors and corresponding stress tensors. In the dynamic problems there are different points of view since the new solid phase discovered. This article discusses the arguments and compares the results coming from the different frameworks. Though the material presents brittle behaviour at low and medium temperature, it can dramatically undergo plastic deformation at high temperature. Because here is lack of any constitutive law of the plasticity so far, the study is confronted with fundamental difficulty. By using some simple physical models, the analytic solutions for deformation and fracture of plasticity of quasicrystalline have been constructed.
quasicrystals; dynamics; nonlinearityText