Experimental Research on Creep and Hydrate Laws of Heterogeneous Soft Rock under Deep Mining
Along with practical situation that the Chinese mines are getting into the deep mining, the creep deformation of heterogeneous soft rock increased greatly. According to the experimental research on creep and hydrate laws of deep soft rock, the creep and hydrate laws of heterogeneous soft rock under water are found. The results show the effect of water ratio on creep deformation of soft rock is obvious. The creep dependent variable of soft rock advanced gradually with increasing of water ratio. The effect of hydrate on soft rock strength is projecting. Because of good water absorbability, the uniaxial compressive strength of hydrated rock could reduce to 12.5% of nature on max. There are two situations after hydration: First, the strength of soft rock debases. Secondly, the soft rock dissolves directly. The experimental results could provide reference on creep and hydrate laws of heterogeneous soft rock under deep mining conditions.
creep; heterogeneous soft rock; hydrateText