Electromechanical Response of Multilayer Piezoelectric Actuators for Fuel Injectors from Room to Cryogenic Temperatures
We study the electromechanical response of multilayer piezoelectric actuators for fuel injectors from room to cryogenic temperatures. A thermodynamic model was used to predict a monoclinic phase. A shift in the boundary between the tetragonal and monoclinic phases with decreasing temperature was determined, and the temperature dependent piezoelectric coefficients were evaluated. A nonlinear finite element analysis was then carried out to examine the voltage induced displacement of the multilayer piezoelectric actuators from room to cryogenic temperatures. Electromechanical fields were also calculated, and the results were discussed in detail. In addition, experimental results on the voltage induced displacement, which verify the model, were presented.
piezomesomechanics; finite element method; material testing; electromechanical field concentrations; hydrogen fuel injection systemsText