Damage Process Analysis of Jointed Rock Mass Using FLAC/PFC Coupled Numerical Modeling of AE
By capturing the Acoustic emission (AE) events, underground opening induced rock mass degradation or damage can be located and evaluated. In this study, a coupled numerical method is used to study AE at the jointed rock. Two codes, Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua (FLAC), a finite difference code and Particle Flow Code (PFC), a distinct element code, are coupled. The motive to apply the FLAC/PFC coupled approach is to take advantage of each modeling scheme while at the same time minimizing the requirement for computational resources. The coupling is realized through an exchange of displacements and forces in each cycling step. The rock mass surrounding an AE sensor is modeled using PFC and the remaining rock mass is modeled with FLAC to consider the geological complexity and the excavation sequence. This approach takes account of stress redistribution and provides stress and displacement patterns in the rock mass that are consistent with AE observations. The most significant value of the work will eventually be realized through various simulations to aid the AE data analysis, interpretation, and construction management.
Acoustic emission; Rock; Coupling numerical modeling; fractureText