Cumulative Plastic Deformation for Improved Soil Subgrade under Cyclic Loadings
Based on an improved dynamic model, a method is proposed to predict the cumulative plastic deformation for improved weathered granite subgrade under long-term cyclic loadings. The formulas for parameter quantification in the method are derived by regression of repeated load triaxial test results. To determine the deviator stresses used in the method, a fully non-linear simulation model of an improved weathered granite subgrade in Wu-Guang PDR is developed by employing Lagrangian difference method and free-field boundaries. The settlements of the improved soil subgrade are predicted and analyzed. The applicability of the proposed method is verified by comparisons between predicted and field test results.
improved weathered granite; cyclic loads; prediction method; cumulative plastic deformation; Wu-Guang PDR (Passenger Dedicated Railway)Text