Micro-inertia Effect and Dynamic Poisson’s Ratio of Closed-cell Metallic Foams under Compression
A significantly decreasing influence of lateral constraint on the crushing stress with increasing loading rates has been found for a closed-cell aluminum foam. This interesting phenomenon may be interpreted by the micro-inertia effect and/or the decrease of Poisson’s ratio in dynamic compression. In this paper, the three-dimensional Voronoi technique and the explicit finite element method are utilized to investigate the micro-inertia effect and dynamic Poisson’s ratio of closed-cell metallic foams. The simulation results indicate that the micro-inertia effect plays little role in enhancing the plateau stress of metallic foams. The Poisson’s ratio varies with the nominal strain and its peak value decreases as impact velocity increases.
Voronoi structure; Metallic foam; Micro-inertia; Poisson’s ratioText