Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Plastic Deformation of Metallic Glass at Strain Rates Varying Between 10-3 s-1 to 101 s-1
Molecular Dynamics simulation at low strain rates suggests a diffusive type of mechanism which is characterized by flow softening due to structural changes. The structural changes show up as transition in the radial distribution function. Initially stress rises to a high level followed by drastic drop. This results in localized shear banding. The simulations rule out the role of shear band movement as the specific mechanism of plastic deformation and establish a criterion to demarcate the atomic movement in low strain rate and high strain rate plastic deformation. During the plastic deformation nano-crystallization is known to occur [1-3]. The simulation relates the plasticity with the precipitation in the light of above.
molecular dynamics; metallic glasses; shear bands; radial distribution function; nano-crystallizationText