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Assessing the Multiaxial Deformation Response of Unidirectional Non-Crimp Fabrics



In this study, the mixed-mode deformation response of a unidirectional non- crimp fabric (UD-NCF) was investigated. Multiaxial in-plane shear-biaxial tension tests were performed using a new multi-branched fabric specimen on a custom multi-axial loading device. Tests were performed with various ratios of deformation along three loading directions to impose combined tension and shear deformation on the fabric specimens. The different loading cases revealed a strong inter-dependency between shear and tensile deformation modes. Observation and measurement of local deformations provided important quantitative and qualitative information to deeply understand the interaction of typical meso- and macro-scale deformations, which can be leveraged during the forming process of liquid composite molded components to reduce shear-induced defects such as wrinkling.


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