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Vertically-Aligned Carbon Nanotube (VACNT)-Reinforcement for Strength and Life Enhancement of Composite Aerostructures



Laminated composites used in lightweight airframe structures offer higher in-plane strength and stiffness to weight ratio when compared with metals but suffer from weaker out-of-plane properties. Using a building-block approach, vertically-aligned carbon nanotube (VACNT) reinforcement technology is evaluated for its efficacy in enhancing the through-thickness properties of composite laminates necessary for reducing the weight, improving the damage tolerance and extending the fatigue life of composite airframe structures. With additional insight into how VACNT reinforcement performance scales, it is anticipated that the conclusion of this evaluation will facilitate the increase in the technology readiness level (TRL) of VACNT-applications for composite airframes from three to four [1]. The content of this document includes information relevant to the planning and fabrication activities of the program, with experimental testing of articles forthcoming.


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